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In God All Things Are Possible


A Personal Invitation

A Course In Miracles

Our mission is to offer you a joyous experience of rebirth and awakening
through miracles, forgiveness and
the eternal Love of God.
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

- Matthew 11:28

Lesson of the Day

from the Workbook of A Course In Miracles


I Am Not Alone In Experiencing The Effects Of My Seeing.

The idea for today is another step in learning that the thoughts which give rise to what you see are never neutral or unimportant. It also emphasizes the idea that minds are joined, which will be given increasing stress later on.

Today’s idea does not refer to what you see as much as to how you see it. Therefore, the exercises for today emphasize this aspect of your perception. The three or four practice periods which are recommended should be done as follows:

Read entire Lesson

Video of the Day
